How I ended up on Medium

Fenix Wiles
3 min readOct 24, 2020

Hey there! My name is Fenix Wiles. I am a Business management major, focusing on sports management and minoring in journalism. I have spent the last year or so trying to come up with small business ideas. In the process of brainstorming, I have come to the conclusion that getting an idea to stick is a lot harder than it seems. My first inspiration was a website called EctoTrain, and the premise was as follows. My buddy and I loved going to the gym. I’ve learned that the whole purpose behind a good business is to solve a problem that seems unsolvable to the average Joe.

My friend had an idea. His scheme was to make a program that could design a workout plan for the daily gym goer. We continued to ponder, and I realized one issue I always had. I wished I had an easy way to create a workout routine that would fit my body type. For reference, I’m a 6'8" D3 basketball player. When you’re as tall as I am, putting on muscle can be a far more arduous task than it might be for someone who is “normal”. Sure, there’s the internet. But what I’ve always failed to realize is those workout regimens you find on google are designed for Dave down the street who is 5'10" and 175 pounds. Just like that, I had a problem that I could solve.

But I wanted to dive deeper than a program that would only suit the small population of 6'5"+ giants roaming the earth. I wanted to build something that could benefit anyone who decided to use it. So we began researching. We discovered that there are three body types according to science. Ectomorphs, endomorphs, and mesomorphs. Generally, an ectomorph is wider and their body length may vary. Mesomorphs are the most common, and is actually the best body type to have if your desire is to put on muscle. And then there’s me. Endomorphs. Generally long and thin with less muscle mass than the previous two. Also, not the ideal body type to put on muscle. The idea was there. The writing was on the wall.

I began coding. The idea turned into a centralized information hub. In this hub, people could enter their physical traits, age, etc. The program would then take all that information and begin gathering data from trusted sources all around the internet. It would proceed to spit a month long workout routine that was completely suited to your body type. It was perfect. My buddy got a little bored and ended up bailing on me pretty early on. And like I said before, I was the one writing the code for said program. With that said, my programming expertise is limited to HTML, CSS, and a little bit of Python. Some of the things I was making attempts to do? They required real developers and a lot of time. Thus, it began to fizzle out. It became far too big for just one guy to be working on, and quite frankly? I was losing interest fast.

I’m in my freshman year of college a few months after dropping the idea for EctoTrain. I am always on the lookout for problems to solve and potential business models. The issue I continue running into is time and availability of resources. There is one constant. I love writing and I have a passion for basketball that extends far beyond any other interest of mine. A couple days ago, I got the idea to begin a sports blog. I follow several accounts on social media that will report on things happening anywhere from the high school level, all the way to the NBA. It’s ideal for my situation. I’ll follow the same model that these social media pages do, and on top of that, I’ll begin writing about things in the basketball world. It is my hope that writing for Medium will be a good way to display my writing prowess. Not only that, but I ask for feedback from fellow users about what you believe I could do to further this endeavor.

If you’re interested, please feel free to come back to my Medium profile and check out what I do in the future. It would also mean the world if you could take a look at the Instagram, MyTakeAthletics. That’s what I am trying to build currently. As a broke college student, a like, comment, or follow would mean a lot.

Fenix Wiles

Sunday, October 24

